34 reasons to love you...

My schatz,

I cannot top the way the girls celebrated you because they do that so well (their crown will always be better than anything I could make), but I can give you 34 reasons why I love you and hope that that makes you feel loved and celebrated. 

Reason 1 : That smile still gives me butterflies. 
(Do I need to say more?)

I will say more because there is much more to say. I am so lucky that you are my man.
I love you because...

  1. It doesn't matter what you do, you give it your best.
  2. You are so supportive of everything I do, but also not scared to stop me if my idea is ridiculous.
  3. You are the best prince for your two ballerina-fairy-princesss who absolutely adore you.
  4. You provide for and support our homeschool journey so well.
  5. You find solutions before I see a problem.
  6. You fix before it is broken.
  7. You have learned to dream big!
  8. You are a man of integrity.
  9. You inspire me to be the best version of myself.
  10. You read to the girls every evening and I am.pretty sure it's their favourite part of the day.
  11. You love us so well and in so many ways.
  12. Your organisation skills match my skills for chaos.
  13. You love God before anything else.
  14. You make the best breakfasts.
  15. Your passion when you talk about what we can do against injustice is contagious.
  16. Don't mind my big shopping lists when you are in Lilongwe.
  17. You encourage me to do our daily push ups and planks.
  18. I can give all our life admin to you and know it's done well. (Without you I would be a terrible adult.)
  19. You love the girls so much that you wear the birthday crown they made for you in public.
  20. You are my favourite dance partner.
  21. I love your family (I would marry you, just for your family 😘).
  22. I may have many plans but without you most of them would not be executed.
  23. You see people.
  24. You are my calm.
  25. Your naughty smile when you open a bar of chocolate is cute.
  26. You make me talk because you know how to listen.
  27. You always make lots from little.
  28. I will never understand your love and fascination with everything engineering but love your passion.
  29. You do many little things that make a big difference.
  30. You are big yet humble.
  31. You and I love and get frustrated by Malawi with the same intensity.
  32. You always seek other people's happiness and comfort before your own.
  33. When something is important to me or the girls, you make it your priority.
  34. I have to say it again... That hair and that smile, I would still fall for it the way I did at that conference in Linz more than 11 years ago.
I love you and I hope you feel loved and celebrated today.