The holiday is over, the bags are unpacked, Hartmut is
working, I am cooking meals again and the girls have fallen back into a nice
routine of cuddling ducks, building with Lego and doing school. Just like it
was before we left, but better. Because our batteries are re-charged and we are
still on a bit of a high because of all the nice memories. It’s impossible to
capture everything that happened in the time that I wrote my last blog (7
weeks! It’s been 7 weeks!) so instead I will post seven pictures from seven
highlights (in no particular order).
- Family time
I said that the blog was in no particular order, but this is probably number one anyway. After a long year without family, and with many cancelled visits, it felt so good to finally be with family again. Time with family is valuable, especially in this season. I hope that this year will bring time with my family too as whatsapp calls and pictures can replace some of the time that you would love to be together, but definitely not all of it. Seeing the girls with Hartmut's family made me extra aware of that and we are grateful for the time we got. |
- Engagement
Almost eleven years ago, Imke was part of planning our engagement and I was glad that I could return that favor. While she thought that we were going to go up the sand dunes to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary, Josua had planned a proposal (ok, Imke might have suspected a little something but we'll keep quiet about that.) I am so happy for Imke and Josua! |
- Hot air balloon
Words can't really describe what it felt like to watch a sun rise over the desert from a hot air balloon but just trust me, it was magnificent. Definitely one of the highlights of this holiday but also one of the coolest things I have done. Ever. |
- Sossusvlei
I have been to the Sossusvlei a few times but it never fails to amaze me. This place is amazing and a photographer's dream. Taking the girls there was a highlight too. First because I got to take some amazing pictures of them but also because they enjoyed it so much. I love how much they appreciate landscapes and nature. |
- Christmas
Christmas is a forever highlight. Not because of the presents and the good food (although I did enjoy that) but because of the promise it holds. The year has been crazy, the world as we knew it has been turned upside down, but God remains the same. And the story about the little baby who came to save us is still true. |
- Etosha
What's not to love about camping, about endless grasslands, about seeing animals in their natural habitat, and about sunsets at the waterhole ?! Enough said.... |
- Farm
It doesn't matter how far we travel and how much we have seen, the family farm will always be one of our favourite places. This year was extra cool as the girls (and especially Sophie) are obsessed with birds. They spot and recognise them from far and through that, we all learned what a rich bird life the farm has. |