7 embarrassing takes...

7 embarrassing takes

 This blog is for you in case you think I am only brave, creative and adventurous because, well, you probably guessed it already, I am not. I am a clumsy, messy, temperamental, chaotic perfectionist who often feels like she just stumbles through life. Here are some examples.

1. I am crazy chaotic and although I don't lose as much stuff anymore now that we live here (I barely have anything and our one-room-house only has limited places where you can misplace things) but I still manage to misplace and spend way too much of my time looking for things that should be easy to find.
 2. I always admire moms who remember every detail about their children. Don't ask me when the girls got their first teeth, when they started walking or what their first words were. I have written it down (a big reason to blog) but my brain does not find the information important enough to store it eventhough it's not that long ago. Last week I even opened up Doris passport to dubbel check when her birthday is because I was not 100% sure.
 3. This one I am very self concious about but I think that I am not alone in this eventhough we don't talk about it much so I will write it so that you know that you're not alone. After giving birth twice (and especially one very long delivery of a posterior baby) my pelvic floor isn't anymore what it used to be. A couple of weeks ago I joined Sophie and some girls in their rope skipping game  but I quickly stopped because, well, I could not keep my underpants dry. So awkward! I have started to do more kegel exercises (and I hate them) but I am nervous that it's something that will never again be as it was before children.
 4. I am much better at starting things than at finishing them. This translates for example in enthousiasm for growing my own veg and fruit doesnt match up with the care I give them and its usually Hartmut who will take over or else they die.
 5. I am terrible at remembering names and faces and that is sometimes really awkward. I can have an entire conversation with people and inly afterwards realise that they were not whom I thought they were... Awkward!
 6.   This one is for the dutchies. Ik weet dat er veel goede Nederlandse artiesten zijn die prachtige muziek maken maar op de een of andere manier heb ik per ongeluk alleen de heel erg foute liedjes van de jongens uit Volendam meegenomen en zonder spotify en YouTube is dat dus helaas pindakaas het Nederlandse muzikale erfgoed dat mijn dochters meekrijgen. Je kan er in elk geval wel lekker uit volle borst mee meezingen en stiekem is die gemakkelijke rijmelarij best leuk.
 7. We don't have a couch and only a very uncomfortable fold up camping chair in our house so I spend a lot of time sitting and half lying on our bed. So much that the girls have started to call me a bedmonster who loves being in bed.